Changes to Chrome’s SameSite cookie policies that may affect BigCommerce apps

by BigCommerce
Beginning in February, the way Google Chrome handles cross-site cookies is changing to prevent cookies without an explicit SameSite policy from loading in cross-origin requests. More details on Chrome’s upcoming changes are available on...

Required stencil-cli version is now 1.20.2

by BigCommerce
As mentioned in a previous update, the required stencil-CLI version for local development is now 1.20.2. To update to the latest version of stencil-cli, simply run npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-cli. We recommend using the latest...

Stencil CLI minimum required version is changing on September 30th

by BigCommerce
On September 30th, 2019, the minimum required version of Stencil CLI will be raised to 1.20.2 from 1.8.0. After September 30th, you will not be able to run stencil start without being on at least the minimum supported version. This...

API Updates June 12, 2019

by BigCommerce
Developer Blog Improve Web Font Performance in Stencil Themes with Font-display Let’s Talk About CORS Maintenance As of June 12th 2019: Remove the documentation related to the storecredit include on the beta V3 Customers API. This part...
Bug Fix
Developer Blog

Removing support for Node 6 in stencil-cli

by BigCommerce
Due to Node 6's End of Life, we've removed support for it in stencil-cli from version 1.16.0 and we'll be working on phasing it out of other Stencil-related projects. As of this writing, the only supported version of Node for use with...

Optimized One Page Checkout Moving to React

by BigCommerce
In March 2019, BigCommerce will be making changes to Optimized One Page Checkout. To improve rendering and loading performance, we will be updating the underlying JavaScript framework from Angular to React. This update will lay the...

Handling Customer Sign Out from Checkout

by BigCommerce
Note: This only applies if you have Persistent Cart enabled and are using a custom checkout built with the Checkout JS SDK. Persistent cart is now in the process of rolling out to BigCommerce stores. With this new feature, when a...

Recent Cornerstone Breaking Changes

by BigCommerce
Due to a breaking change made in the release of Cornerstone 3.0, you can no longer load Cart resource on non-cart pages in the Cornerstone theme PR #1401. While the theme itself doesn't depend on this resource on non-cart pages, this...

Cornerstone 3.0.0 Release

by BigCommerce
Enhancements Added defer tag to addThis and defered execution of related script PR #1406 Remove unnecessary API call to get cookie notification status PR #1380 Cart switch from quote item hash to id which is immutable PR #1387 Remove...