
  • Validation for channel_id in POST/PUT /v2/orders

    The v2 Orders API now validates the channel_id field in both the Create an Order and Update an Order endpoints. Previously, invalid or non-existent channel_id values were accepted without error, potentially leading to data integrity issues. With this update, passing an invalid channel_id will result in a 400 error, ensuring better data hygiene.

API Updates

Catalog Updates

Checkout Updates

  • New fields - Added custom_checkout_sri_hash and custom_order_confirmation_sri_hash to Get and Put Checkout Settings endpoints to allow merchants to provide a SRI hash for their custom checkout.

B2B Updates

  • B2B Storefront Auth Token API response -Updated documentation to reflect that the Get a B2B StorefrontToken API returns a token as an array of strings, not a single string.

Stencil Updates

  • Added handlebar helper -Added getImageSrcset1x2x to the list of available Custom helpers.

Enhancements & Fixes