
BigCommerce is preparing to deprecate our current SASS compiler, node-sass fork, in favor of the more modern node-sass, which will allow us to support the latest versions of Node (Node 18) in Stencil CLI.

BigCommerce is sunsetting node-sass on 11/1/2023. This deprecation means that after this date, your live storefront will run into styling issues if these issues are not addressed.

To ensure your storefront is up to date, please do the following:

  • Using the latest version of Stencil CLI, run the stencil bundle command to validate your theme’s code and note any errors in the console output.

    • stencil bundle

  • For a majority of issues, we have supplied an option to run a script that will update your files with the correct formatting. This option can be done by running the following:

    • To see what changes will be made without actually changing/saving said changes, we have created a dry run option.

      • stencil -scss-autofix.js --dry

    • To make the changes and revalidate, run the following:

      • stencil -scss-autofix.js

      • stencil bundle

    • You can test your site after making these changes to ensure there are no visual regressions. You can run stencil start as usual to preview the site.

    • If everything looks good, you can run stencil push (or follow your normal theme deployment workflow) to push the changes live to your storefront.



  • Added EarlyHint handlebar helper to the Handlebars Helpers Reference.