API Updates for December 12, 2024
December 12th, 2024 at 5:54 PM
We’ve added a platform limit of 40000 zip-type shipping locations per store. Users can add up to 40000 zip-type locations to their store.
Added information on how to set up an RSS feed for release notes.
as an optional parameter for the B2B Storefront Token endpoint.Updated the Stencil CLI installation instructions for a Mac.
Clarified the description for the store/product/inventory/order/updated webhook when updating inventory.
Added an example showing how a customer can log in to an embedded checkout using the session-sync URL. See the Customer single sign-on section for details.
Updated the
description for the Catalog Products API to clarify that the SKU has to be unique for products and variants regardless of the letter cases.
Bug Fixes
Removed incorrect required label for
from the Create a Cart, Add Cart Line Items, and Update Cart Line Item endpoint.Fixed broken links in the B2B’s Key resources section.
Fixed incorrect link for Orders on the Metafields page.
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