We are excited to announce the beta launch of the new BigCommerce Dev Center!

Our Vision
Your feedback is truly at the heart of this change. Over the past year, our developer advocates, product & engineering teams, and support agents have heard you loud and clear. Developers building with BigCommerce want better ways to get the answers and information they need. We took your feedback, explored the pain points, and made changes to improve the dev docs experience.

Our goal is to make it easy for you to find the documentation, resources, and tools you need to get started building quickly and have your questions answered promptly. We wanted to make the experience of using our dev docs simpler, more streamlined, and more rewarding. And we’re just getting started!

The new site lays the groundwork for the enriched developer experience and expanded resources we’re excited to introduce over the coming months. We want to empower you to design BigCommerce solutions that meet your needs and exceed your expectations, to engage with us as we create new content, and to know that you’re never working on BigCommerce products alone.

What’s Next?
During this beta phase, the current site at developer.bigcommerce.com will remain live. However, we encourage you to use the new Dev Center at developer-beta.bigcommerce.com and provide feedback to our team. We’ll be actively publishing and updating content on the beta site, making it the most up-to-date source for docs and resources moving forward.

Have questions or feedback? Fill out a feedback form here. We look forward to hearing from you!