
View release 4.19.1 on GitHub


  • Added ability to set the max file size for the import log. Before each import starts, the log size is measured, and if the size exceeds the limit, it will be truncated. The default log size is 25MB. To change defaults, go to Setting > Diagnostics. Find and update the 'Log file max size' field.


  • Fixed the 'New/Updated since last sync' import. The import will pull new products as well as update existing ones. Previously the 'New/Updated since last sync' updated existing products only.

  • Added ability to see product sync log errors descriptions on the Diagnostic tab

  • Settings > Diagnostics > Product Sync Log sync statistics are displayed in the table separately for multiple channels.

  • Fixed 'Auto' sync behavior with enabled multi-channel support. Added a filter bigcommerce/channels/map-products-to-all-channels filter defaulted to false

    • When multi-channel is enabled, the filter is false, and auto-sync is enabled: sync imports products connected to each channel only.

    • When that multi-channel is enabled, the filter is true, and auto-sync is enabled: newly added products to the catalog will sync to all connected channels.