BigCommerce for WordPress 4.29.0 for June 6, 2022
View release 4.29.0 on GitHub
Webhook listeners for adding/removing products to the channel. Enable webhooks in BigCommerce > Settings > ProductSync > Enable products webhooks. Webhooks fire when a product is assigned to a channel or unassigned from it.
Ability to change product variant's out-of-stock behavior. Go to Customizer > BigCommerce > Product Single > Product variants out of stock behavior. If the option is enabled, then out-of-stock variants will be disabled. If it’s disabled, out-of-stock items can be added to the cart.
Fast import type(beta). When selected, the import will only get the products titles, IDs, categories, and brands. Other information like prices, images, descriptions, and the like, won't be retrieved on import. Instead, the information will be taken directly from BigCommerce API and will show relevant product data on the fly. Import type can be set from WordPress admin panel > BigCommerce > Settings > ProductSync > ImportType.
behavior can be controlled from Customizer. Go to Customizer > BigCommerce > ProductCategory > Categories'is_visible' option. If the option is on then the plugin will respect categories visibility set in BigCommerce admin by removing hidden categories from the menu, and then redirecting categories pages to the 404 page.
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