BigCommerce for Wordpress 4.32. For Aug 5, 2022


View release 4.32 on GitHub


  • Products processing by adding pre-caching logic on the Product Catalog after each Fast-Headless-Importand store minimal product data option import

    • This will reduce the number of queries and the risk of the “too many requests” issue occurring

  • If import is stuck in the Completed status, the latest changes will allow you to abort the import process


  • Issue with product duplication during Fast-Headless-Import and store minimal product date option import

  • Respect General Inventory Settings toggle behavior found in Customizer > BigCommerce > Product Catalog

    • When switched, the radio button enables or disables support for the general BigCommerce of out stock inventory settings

  • Renaming channel in BigCommerce > Settings > Channel no longer produces errors