On April 15, 2022, the behavior of the product.images node in the GraphQL storefront API will be changing to only return 10 images by default. If you wish to request a different number of product images, you should specify the `first` argument explicitly with your request, which is considered a best practice when interacting with any paginated collection.

For example, if you were previously sending a request like this:

query productsWithImages { site { products { edges { cursor node { entityId name images { // will return 10 images unless explicit arguments are specified edges { node { url(width: 640) } } } } } } } } 

You could instead send a request like this:

query productsWithImages { site { products(first: 5) { // as a best practice, use `first` on all collections to specify page size edges { cursor node { entityId name images (first:20) { // will return up to 20 images per product edges { node { url(width: 640) } } } } } } } } 

Please note that requesting larger amounts of data with increased page sizes will factor into the GraphQL complexity calculation for your query.