Cornerstone 4.12.0 for November 5, 2020
November 12th, 2020 at 2:45 PM
Bug Fix
- Reduce lodash usage in compare-products.js and image-gallery.js. #1827
- Fixed product image carousel when it becomes unresponsive on Product page. #1879
- Move phrases and static strings to en.json for improving translation customizing. #1850
- Update carousel images to improve LCP indicator from Lighthouse performance report. #1876
- Add aria label with price to Product Grid item. #1875
- Search result not notified by screen reader. #1867
Add aria label with price to Product List item. #1878 - Fixed comparing Products on ‘Account - Recently Viewed’ page. #1877
- Remove layout shifts to improve CLS indicator from Lighthouse performance report. #1869
- Fix aria-labels for collapsibleFactory elements. #1868
- Fixed social icons click behavior after quick view modal reopening. #1874
- Fixed special characters rendering under Wishlists. #1873
- Cornerstone quick view. #1857
- Return heading to product card. #1848
- Added announcement for “Add to cart” button on PLP and PDP. #1860
- Fixed logo displaying on mobile. #1865
- Fixed image in modal for IE. #1840
- Add announcement for filtered results on "Shop by Price". #1854
- Add announcement for Reset Filter by Price. #1858
- Content should not scroll in two directions when zoomed. #1853
- Notification of number of products not announced. #1845
- Quick search query param needs to be fixed while navigating to the Search page. #1832
- Zooming and scaling must not be disabled. #1843
- Options on change modal need focus border. #1839
- Product cards should link to products. #1842
- Sort By dropdowns need a visual focus border. #1833
- Product link has incorrect voice over focus on Cart Page. #1830
- Wishlist’s first option has no bottom outline when in focus. #1825
- Carousel hidden when one or more of its images are not found. #1816
- Rating and other filter sections should be accessible by keyboard. #1838
- Fixed header logo focus border for voiceover and browser. #1831
- Unified browsers list that we support. #1836
- Bump stencil utils and update hooks to account for refactor to drop Jquery in stencil utils. #1821