Cornerstone 4.8.0
July 25th, 2020 at 12:17 AM
Bug Fix
- Fixed Facebook button during modal scrolling behaviour. #1724
- Fixed Product Image dimensions not constrained proportionally on Cart page which can lead to element overlapping. #1722
- Added byte type on file upload options when max file size feature is enabled. #1721
- Fixed empty faceted search display message. #1720
- Updated CornerStone to Utilize Existence of sale_price property for Determining - - Product/Variant Sale Status #1719
- Bump easyzoom, lazysizes, sweetalert2 and whatwg-fetch versions #1718
- Fixed text logos truncating on mobile devices and smaller browser sizes. #1717
- Ability to load subcategories and expand them if there are other categories beneath it. #1715
- Changed the default layout shape for PayPal smart buttons. #1713
- Fixed Sale badge “Burst” on hover color changing behaviour. #1712
Allowing carousel image to stretch distorts image. #1711 - Fixed cart content make gift certificate alt and title translatable. #1709
- Added Optional Custom Options (Modifiers). #1708
- Fixed Product List Options Max Height issue. #1707
- Suppressing 3rd party Related Videos on YouTube videos. #1704
- Enabling Facebook Likes causes iframe overlap in WYSIWYG. #1702
- Fixed misalignment of Product Listings on Category pages when using the list Display Style. #1701
- Fixed Product Reviews display behaviour. #1699
- Removed unnecessary horizontal scrolling on some resolutions. #1698
- Fixes the Sale badge so that it displays in list views. #1694
- Added modal before switching currencies. #1668