Cornerstone 4.9.0
July 30th, 2020 at 11:03 PM
Bug Fix
- Added correct alt text on image change in product view. #1747
- Description tab is hidden in case of empty product description. #1746
- Stencil CLI updated to the latest version. #1744
- Added immediate keyboard focus for quick view modal. #1743
- Added ability to change sale badge text for merchants. #1742
- Fixed focusing for quick search aria hidden element. #1739
- Fixed ‘Add To Cart’ & ‘Quick View’ buttons appearing while tabbing. #1738
- PDP’s ‘Write a Review’ role changed to 'button’. #1737
- Added ability to skip main content with keyboard. #1736
- Added labels for PLP pagination. #1735
- Added ability to open wishlist menu with keyboard. #1732
- Added aria label for breadcrumbs. #1734
- Email subscribe messages are readable by screen readers. #1731
- Optimize themeSettings injection. #1730
- Added aria labels to menu links. #1729
- Carousel bullets should be buttons. #1727
- Fixed causing of white space by long product descriptions. #1723
- Added ‘none’ options for non-required fields. #1714
- Fixed thumbnail videos behaviour on click. #1706