Cornerstone 6.0 for August 11, 2021
August 11th, 2021 at 2:33 PM
Translation mechanism for config.json has been updated. #2089
As a shopper I want to see gift wrapping price in cart’s product list. #2093
Fixed wishlist dropdown shift on quick view modal. #2102
Empty email input in newsletter field should trigger an error. #2101
Make Hero Carousel both slide and button clickable when button enabled. #2098
"Manage Website Data Collection Preferences" phrase is not translatable. #2090
No navigation back to wishlist tab when you are in a wishlist. #2096
Reviews pagination navigation buttons reload page and does not open the Reviews tab. #2048
Fix social share links for product pages and blog posts. #2082
'undefined' is announced with screen reader while changing product quantity on PDP. #2094
Counter on the Wish Lists tab on Account page has been removed. #2087
User Account, bug styles in section payment methods. #2085
Scss lint has been replaced with stylelint. #2069