The GraphQL Storefront API now supports fetching the bulk pricing tiers on both products and variants.

Consider this query:

query bulkPricingTiers { site { products(first: 3) { edges { cursor node { entityId name prices { price { value currencyCode } bulkPricing { ... BulkPricingFields } } variants(first: 3) { edges { node { sku prices { price { value currencyCode } bulkPricing { ... BulkPricingFields } } } } } } } } } } fragment BulkPricingFields on BulkPricingTier { minimumQuantity maximumQuantity ... on BulkPricingFixedPriceDiscount { price } ... on BulkPricingRelativePriceDiscount { priceAdjustment } ... on BulkPricingPercentageDiscount { percentOff } }