Bugs Fixed

  • An issue where product description and relatedProducts would sometimes return null when the product was looked up via a route has been fixed.

New Features

  • The GraphQL Storefront API now supports running requests in the context of channels other than the default channel. See the updated documentation for details and best practices.
  • You may now specify a currency when fetching a prices node to support multi-currency selling. If no currency is specified, prices will be returned in the store’s default currency. Note that the currency you request must be enabled on the store in order to retrieve prices.

Consider this example query:

query PricesInParticularCurrency { site { products(first: 3) { edges { cursor node { name prices(currencyCode:EUR) { price { value } priceRange { min { value } max { value } } } } } } } } 


  • The priceRanges node has been moved inside of the prices node, to make it easier to use together with multi-currency. The “standalone” priceRanges node on the product node has been marked as deprecated and may be removed in a future release.