We’re excited to announce several improvements to the GraphQL Storefront API!

Bugs Fixed

  • An issue which prevented looking up products on the product node via parent SKU code when the product had variants was fixed.


  • The query complexity has been adjusted to allow requesting a similar number of individual product nodes as you can request products via the products node, which is useful for asking for many “refined” products at once - for example, many products with selected option values.
  • The performance of product fetches has been slightly improved.

New Features

  • An improved product options interface has been created as the productOptions node on a product. This improved node supports returning more granular detail on product options, such as their configuration detail or extended detail of option values. This release is focused on providing the full details on Swatch options.

Consider this query:

query ProductsWithImagesAndSwatches { site { product(entityId: 77) { name productOptions { edges { node { displayName ... on MultipleChoiceOption { displayStyle values { edges { node { label ... on SwatchOptionValue { hexColors imageUrl(width: 200) } } } } } } } } } } } 

Detail for all of the possible product option types will be added in future releases.