The look of the documentation for the Storefront API’s, V3 and the Changelog have all gotten a facelift.


What Changed?

The page now includes

  • a table of contents
  • methods and descriptions (middle column)
  • request and response examples (third column) - click on a method to explore the parameters, headers, and attributes.

Changelog - The Changelog now resembles a timeline. You can click on a change to learn more, and sort entries by label.

Taxonomy and organization - Endpoints are now in human readable form with the information organized in a much more logical way. (Instead of getProducts we use Get All Products)

Code examples in multiple languages - You can now easily specify your language of choice when interacting with the docs.

New search - There is now a much improved search-as-you-type experience on the V3 and Storefront API Reference docs. It’s a more intuitive and deeper search than what was previously available.

If you have any feedback or would like to suggest improvement, use the link at the bottom right of the V3 and Storefront API’s page, we’d love to hear it!

The previous changelog will still be available to see changes prior to 2018.