Partner Sandboxes moving to Sitewide HTTPS
December 28th, 2018 at 1:50 AM
In the effort to make BigCommerce one of the safest (and fastest!) places to run your business, and in alignment with best practices, we’re beginning the journey of moving our platform to be exclusively served via HTTPS.
As a first step, we’re moving all free stores (inclusive of our partner sandboxes) to be exclusively HTTPS.
Starting Friday, December 27th, if you have a sandbox store on a subdomain, your store will be moved to use HTTPS exclusively for all traffic for the control panel and storefront. Over the next few months, we’ll be working on moving our merchant stores over to HTTPS, so this change prepares you for the future state of the platform as you’re working on stores.
If you have a sandbox store on a custom domain, you are welcome to request a free SSL from us and move to sitewide HTTPS. You can encourage the merchants you work with to do the same, which helps their shoppers feel confident as well!