urn:noticeable:projects:Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywVDev Center Updatesbigcommerce.com2024-01-30T20:21:00.001ZCopyright © Dev CenterNoticeablehttps://storage.noticeable.io/projects/Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywV/newspages/IWS24s1AhDLHDJPwIDx2/01h55ta3gs073dkq368xnhykwm-header-logo.pnghttps://storage.noticeable.io/projects/Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywV/newspages/IWS24s1AhDLHDJPwIDx2/01h55ta3gs073dkq368xnhykwm-header-logo.png#0d47a1urn:noticeable:publications:U7bKVIJWL1HdQoPtFNOo2024-01-26T19:53:29.763Z2024-01-30T20:21:00.001ZAPI Announcement for January 26, 2024Announcement BigCommerce for WordPress Plugin Update Required! We have deployed a fix for a recent vulnerability found with the BigCommerce for WordPress plugin. To prevent security vulnerabilities, please upgrade your plugin by<p><strong>Announcement</strong></p><p><strong>BigCommerce for WordPress Plugin Update Required!</strong></p><p>We have deployed a fix for a recent vulnerability found with the BigCommerce for WordPress plugin.</p><p>To prevent security vulnerabilities, please upgrade your plugin by following the steps below.</p><ol><li><p>Navigate to your WordPress website and log in as an admin.</p></li><li><p>&nbsp;In the sidebar, select "Plugins".</p></li><li><p>&nbsp;Select the "update now" hyperlink for the BigCommerce for WordPress plugin.</p></li><li><p>&nbsp;Wait for the upgrade to finish.</p></li></ol>BigCommerce[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:94hcZCSejm5yhCjWDIH92023-08-07T17:08:54.611Z2023-08-07T17:22:08.822ZAPI internal migration on August 7, 2023API We are implementing an internal migration for GET v3/catalog/categories and GET v3/catalog/categories/{category_id} endpoints to enhance our API’s performance. If you experience any unexpected API behavior on the following endpoint,<p><strong>API</strong></p><p>We are implementing an internal migration for <a href="https://developer.bigcommerce.com/docs/rest-catalog/categories?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=bcdevchangelog.api-internal-migration-on-august-7-2023&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywV.IWS24s1AhDLHDJPwIDx2.94hcZCSejm5yhCjWDIH9&amp;utm_medium=newspage#get-all-categories" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">GET v3/catalog/categories</a> and <a href="https://developer.bigcommerce.com/docs/rest-catalog/categories?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=bcdevchangelog.api-internal-migration-on-august-7-2023&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywV.IWS24s1AhDLHDJPwIDx2.94hcZCSejm5yhCjWDIH9&amp;utm_medium=newspage#get-a-category" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">GET v3/catalog/categories/{category_id}</a> endpoints to enhance our API’s performance. If you experience any unexpected API behavior on the following endpoint, please check the documentation to ensure all accurate query params and API usage.</p>BigCommerce[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:9zKTo5ZZmqkJiDIV0RkD2022-03-29T16:49:54.023Z2022-03-29T18:30:19.204ZNode 12 End-of-life on April 30thNode 12 enters End-of-life on April 30, 2022 ( https://endoflife.date/nodejs). From this date, new versions of Stencil CLI will drop support for Node 12, and add support for Node 14. In order to provide time for developers to update their<p>Node 12 enters End-of-life on April 30, 2022 (<a href="https://endoflife.date/nodejs?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=bcdevchangelog.node-12-end-of-life-on-april-30th&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywV.IWS24s1AhDLHDJPwIDx2.9zKTo5ZZmqkJiDIV0RkD&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">https://endoflife.date/nodejs</a>). From this date, new versions of Stencil CLI will drop support for Node 12, and add support for Node 14. In order to provide time for developers to update their Stencil development/deployment environments, we will not bump the required version of Stencil CLI to a version that requires Node 14+ until June 1, 2022.</p>BigCommerce[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:6LU3mq4w8TFUo3kbTB592022-03-28T21:03:06.735Z2022-03-28T21:04:38.540ZChange to number of product images returned in Stencil home page resources on April 15On April 15, 2022, the number of product images returned by the Featured Products, New Products, and Popular Products panels on Stencil storefronts is changing. These panels will now return up to 10 images per product, instead of returning<p>On April 15, 2022, the number of product images returned by the Featured Products, New Products, and Popular Products panels on Stencil storefronts is changing.</p><p>These panels will now return up to 10 images per product, instead of returning all of the images on each product if there are greater than 10. This change will result in improvements to storefront performance when products on the store have a large number of images.</p><p>If the design of your storefront relies on accessing the data for a large number of images for each of these products, please consider using a GraphQL query instead to access more images. GraphQL can be used to fetch additional data as frontend API calls, or can be embedded in Frontmatter to be utilized directly within the theme context via Handlebars.</p>BigCommerce[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:HG5NjuePyZNiARkIxTVP2022-03-28T20:51:01.973Z2022-03-28T21:02:59.218ZChange to default number of product images returned by GraphQL on April 15On April 15, 2022, the behavior of the product.images node in the GraphQL storefront API will be changing to only return 10 images by default. If you wish to request a different number of product images, you should specify the`first`<p>On April 15, 2022, the behavior of the product.images node in the GraphQL storefront API will be changing to only return 10 images by default. If you wish to request a different number of product images, you should specify the <code>`first`</code> argument explicitly with your request, which is considered a best practice when interacting with any paginated collection.</p><p>For example, if you were previously sending a request like this:</p><pre><code>query productsWithImages { site { products { edges { cursor node { entityId name images { // will return 10 images unless explicit arguments are specified edges { node { url(width: 640) } } } } } } } } </code></pre><p>You could instead send a request like this:</p><pre><code>query productsWithImages { site { products(first: 5) { // as a best practice, use `first` on all collections to specify page size edges { cursor node { entityId name images (first:20) { // will return up to 20 images per product edges { node { url(width: 640) } } } } } } } } </code></pre><p>Please note that requesting larger amounts of data with increased page sizes will factor into the GraphQL complexity calculation for your query.</p>BigCommerce[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:eVOeSKmNq0qHACyjBx8H2022-01-12T19:26:25.330Z2022-01-12T19:34:53.049ZUpcoming changes to HTTP header casingInfrastructural changes to BigCommerce over the next 2 weeks may result in some HTTP headers being returned as lowercase which previously had a mixture of uppercase and lowercase characters. For example, HTTP header names such as<p>Infrastructural changes to BigCommerce over the next 2 weeks may result in some HTTP headers being returned as lowercase which previously had a mixture of uppercase and lowercase characters.</p><p>For example, HTTP header names such as <code>X-Rate-Limit-Requests-Left</code> may instead be returned as <code>x-rate-limit-requests-left</code>. Per the HTTP specification (<a href="https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=bcdevchangelog.upcoming-changes-to-http-header-casing&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywV.IWS24s1AhDLHDJPwIDx2.eVOeSKmNq0qHACyjBx8H&amp;utm_medium=newspage#sec4.2" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.2</a>), HTTP header names should always be treated as case-<strong>in</strong>sensitive, so we do not consider this to be a breaking change to the API. Most HTTP clients already treat headers with the appropriate case insensitivity, so we expect minimal customer impact from this change.</p><p>No changes are being made to HTTP header values as part of this change.</p>BigCommerce[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:5f3NpZngUhiBUeNhwOB62021-09-15T21:41:02.720Z2021-09-15T21:48:20.929ZRequired Stencil-CLI version set to 3.5.0A bug affecting users of stencil-CLI has been fixed as of CLI version 3.5.0. As this bug was resulting in CLI requests incorrectly redirecting which resulted in a degradation of the local development experience, we have bumped the required<p>A bug affecting users of stencil-CLI has been fixed as of CLI version <code>3.5.0</code>.</p><p>As this bug was resulting in CLI requests incorrectly redirecting which resulted in a degradation of the local development experience, we have bumped the required version of CLI to <code>3.5.0</code>to limit the customer impact of this issue. All CLI versions before 3.5.0 are affected. All users are strongly encouraged to update immediately in order to avoid issues during local development.</p><p>To get the latest version of stencil-CLI, simply run this command in your terminal:</p><p><code>npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-cli</code></p>BigCommerce[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:QapzNCFeLH0KRTtHpLx62021-03-04T20:27:54.933Z2021-03-04T20:41:15.720ZAPI Announcement for March 4, 2021On April 30, 2021, the Coupon API will limit the characters allowed in a coupon name. An error will result if any special characters other than the following are used in the Coupon code field: Alphanumeric values White spaces Underscores (<h1></h1><p>On <strong>April 30, 2021</strong>, the <a href="https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/store-management/marketing/coupons?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=bcdevchangelog.api-announcement-for-march-4-2021&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywV.IWS24s1AhDLHDJPwIDx2.QapzNCFeLH0KRTtHpLx6&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">Coupon API</a> will limit the characters allowed in a coupon name. An error will result if any special characters other than the following are used in the Coupon <code>code</code> field:</p><ul><li><p>Alphanumeric values </p></li><li><p>White spaces </p></li><li><p>Underscores ( _ )</p></li><li><p>Hyphens ( - )</p></li></ul><p>To prevent a disruption in service, remove special characters from all coupon codes.</p>BigCommerce[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:8FoEcoYaJxljm9tLdGqt2020-11-05T04:00:00.001Z2020-11-05T04:06:21.340ZThe qty_in_cart property is removed from the Stencil Common Product Card objectAs part of an effort to improve the performance of BigCommerce storefronts, the qtyincart property is no longer supported on the Stencil Common Product Card Model. This property will return 0 from now on, and its use is discouraged. The...<p>As part of an effort to improve the performance of BigCommerce storefronts, the <code>qty_in_cart</code> property is no longer supported on the <a href="https://developer.bigcommerce.com/stencil-docs/reference-docs/global-objects-and-properties/models/productsproduct?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=bcdevchangelog.theqty-in-cart-property-is-being-removed-from-stencil-common-product-card-object&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywV.IWS24s1AhDLHDJPwIDx2.8FoEcoYaJxljm9tLdGqt&amp;utm_medium=newspage" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Stencil Common Product Card Model</a>. This property will return 0 from now on, and its use is discouraged.</p> <p>The <a href="https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-docs/storefront/overview?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=bcdevchangelog.theqty-in-cart-property-is-being-removed-from-stencil-common-product-card-object&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywV.IWS24s1AhDLHDJPwIDx2.8FoEcoYaJxljm9tLdGqt&amp;utm_medium=newspage" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Storefront Cart API</a> can be used instead to get details of products in the cart.</p> BigCommerce[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:gtwzVJfIkOS6iOco3U4H2020-10-15T18:07:00.001Z2020-10-15T18:12:12.357ZInventory levels are no longer returned in Stencil context based on settingsInventory Levels will no longer be returned in the Stencil context data if your store's Inventory settings are set to "Don't show Stock Levels". Previously, this setting would only hide the stock levels on individual product pages...<p>Inventory Levels will no longer be returned in the Stencil context data if your store’s <a href="https://support.bigcommerce.com/s/article/Inventory-Tracking?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=bcdevchangelog.inventory-levels-are-no-longer-returned-in-stencil-context-based-on-settings&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=Q8YuGWPOCMmZDwnKUywV.IWS24s1AhDLHDJPwIDx2.gtwzVJfIkOS6iOco3U4H&amp;utm_medium=newspage#stock-level-display" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Inventory settings</a> are set to "Don’t show Stock Levels".</p> <p>Previously, this setting would only hide the stock levels on individual product pages, while the stock level was still exposed erroneously on category, brand, and search pages.</p> <p>This update will be rolling out to all stores in the coming days.</p> BigCommerce[email protected]