timestamp1724949457597API Updates for August 29, 2024by BigCommerceAPI We’re happy to announce that we have updated the Sites API reference to deprecate the ssl_status field. To determine whether a site uses a private or shared SSL, retrieve the status from the Site Certificate endpoint instead. B2B B2B
timestamp1723735280758API Updates for August 15, 2024by BigCommerceAPI We are happy to announce that the Cart and Checkout API now supports optimistic concurrency control. This feature helps prevent lost updates caused by concurrent requests overriding changes made by others. If the version number
timestamp1718903506699API Updates for June 20, 2024by BigCommerceThemes We are happy to announce the newly released storefront selector feature in Stencil themes. Shoppers can now choose which storefront they want to browse when they visit your storefront. GraphQL The Storefront GraphQL API now
timestamp1716224636529Cornerstone 6.14.0 for May 20, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.14.0 account.php is inside of a list item. #2457 Screen reader only text must be provided. #2454 Remove “cookie notification” JS and CSS. #2447 Storefront navigation for switching between country-specific websites (step
timestamp1708373980376Cornerstone 6.13.0 for February 19, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.13.0 Fix HTML markup for product listing and below content region. #2426 With Product Filtering enabled widgets on the category page disappear after navigating using pagination. #2425 Update layout with correct usage of
timestamp1689008740537Cornerstone 6.12.0 for July 10, 2023by BigCommerceTheme 6.12.0 Sync package lock file. #2373 The stored payment method name is not visible in Cornerstone Bold theme style. #2371 (sanitize product.description) in the theme results to ‘error length of description’ from Google indexing